- hijsen
- поднять; (по)ставить; поддать
* * *гл.1) общ. поднимать2) разг. много пить, выпивать
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
hijsen — eysi … Woordenlijst Sranan
heißen — besagen; bedeuten; schließen lassen auf; (sich) bezeichnen (als); (eine) Bezeichnung tragen; firmieren (unter); (sich) nennen * * * hei|ßen [ hai̮sn̩], hieß, geheißen/heißen: 1. <itr … Universal-Lexikon
List of English words of Dutch origin — This is a list of words of Dutch language origin. However, note that this list does also include some words of which the etymology is uncertain, and that some may have been derived from Middle Low German equivalents instead or as well. Some of… … Wikipedia
Germanic strong verb — In the Germanic languages, a strong verb is one which marks its past tense by means of ablaut. In English, these are verbs like sing, sang, sung. The term strong verb is a translation of German starkes Verb , which was coined by the linguist… … Wikipedia
Verbes irreguliers neerlandais — Verbes irréguliers néerlandais Infinif OVT Participe passé Traduction Bakken Bakte Gebakken Cuire Barsten Barstte Gebarsten Éclater Bederven Bedorf Bedorven Corrompre Bedriegen Bedroog … Wikipédia en Français
Verbes irréguliers néerlandais — Infinif OVT Participe passé Traduction Bakken Bakte Gebakken Cuire Barsten Barstte Gebarsten Éclater Bederven Bedorf Bedorven Corrompre Bedriegen Bedroog Bedrogen … Wikipédia en Français
hoist — [16] The history of hoist cannot be traced back very far. It is an alteration of a now defunct hoise (probably due to the mistaking of the past form hoised for a present form), which itself was an alteration of an earlier heise. This probably… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
hissen — Vsw (Segel, Fahne) hochziehen erw. fach. (16. Jh.) Stammwort. Aus der niederdeutschen Seemannssprache (mndd. hissen); offenbar lautmalend nach dem Geräusch, das entsteht, wenn Taue über Rollen o.ä. gezogen werden. Neuer auch heißen (aus nndl.… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
hoist — (v.) 1540s, to raise, earlier hoise (c.1500), probably originally past tense of M.E. hysse (late 15c.), which is probably from M.Du. hyssen (Du. hijsen) to hoist, related to Low Ger. hissen and O.N. hissa upp raise. A nautical word found in most… … Etymology dictionary
hoist — verb raise by means of ropes and pulleys. ↘haul up. noun 1》 an act of hoisting. 2》 an apparatus for hoisting something. 3》 the part of a flag nearest the staff. 4》 a group of flags raised as a signal. Phrases hoist one s flag (of an admiral) take … English new terms dictionary
hissen — hissen: Das aus der niederd. Seemannssprache stammende Verb ist lautmalenden Ursprungs und ahmt das eigentümliche Geräusch nach, das beim Aufziehen der Segel oder dgl. entsteht. Niederd. hissen entspricht gleichbed. niederl. hijsen. Aus der… … Das Herkunftswörterbuch